Puče puška na sred Semberije

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Puče puška na sred Semberije (Serbian Cyrillic: Пуче пушка на сред Семберије, lit. "The Gun Fires in Semberija") is the first studio album by Miro Semberac, released sometime in early 1993 by SuperTon.

Пуче пушка на сред Семберије
Studio album by
Миро Семберац chronology
Пуче пушка на сред Семберије
Срби своју државу створише


The album would be released in early 1993 and features contents about the then unfolding Bosnian War. Events like the 1992 Sijekovac killings and the 1993 Kravica massacre are mentioned, as well as a special thanks to the Specijalna brigada Garda Panteri (of which Semberac was a part of), who helped in making the album. The album was made in collaboration with the Loznica-based band "Ortaci", who was responsible for the instrumentation and music.


There are two known variants which were released in early 1993, alongside a third one which was reissued later in 1993. The two early 1993 variants can be distinguished by the colors of the cover as one of the two has a much brighter and vibrant green, though it is unsure which one of the two came first. The third known issue has a different tape label with a more pale cover and overall worse print color. The cover and tape labels are similar to some variants of another SuperTon album, Srbin je ponos.

The songs "Jadna Bosno suverena" and "Puče puška na sred Semberije" would get music videos on the VHS Koktel br. 1 in the same year. The latter song would also be featured in the CD compilation Omiljene srpske ratne pesme, also released in 1993.

Track listing

All music is composed by „ОРТАЦИ”.

Side A
1."Пуче пушка на сред Семберије"Д. Васић3:32
2."Пантери"Ристо Марјан2:50
3."Чуј Бечу и Берлину"Цеца Драгојловић, Гоца Драгојловић3:35
4."Јадна Босно суверена"Цеца Драгојловић, Гоца Драгојловић3:06
5."Нема више пашалука"Ристо Марјан3:04
Side B
1."Певај Семберијо"Ристо Марјан3:40
2."Дрино водо"Ј. Слободан4:52
3."Плава гробница"Ј. Слободан4:11
4."Мајчина туга"Цеца Драгојловић, Гоца Драгојловић4:26
Total length:33:16





Захваљујемо се Специјалној бригади Гарде „Пантери” и свим осталим који су помогли реализацију овог пројекта.


Early 1993 release
  • High quality audio
  • Darker cover
  • Black tiled cassette with screws and a big window