Code Of Conduct
Ugh, nobody wants to sit in front of HR and be lectured to about how you can't have fun. Some paper pusher has to draft a huge paper stack of the most jagged and soulless texts ever written, just to conform government regulations that are SO DISCONNECTED from the worker that you'd think the politicians never even shoveled their own driveway. And they haven't, that's why it's so abusively boring!
It's okay though, I'm not here to bore you, we just want to make sure we're all on the same page with how we act on
Here are some basic rules. We think that everyone knows how to behave like an adult, so we're not going to add tons of subsections and examples or any of that. Just act normal.
Rule 1: If you post any images relating to, or depicting anime OR FURRIES, we will block your entire country from
Rule 2: By contributing to, you confirm that you are not, have not, and will never be a Discogs moderator. If you have never heard of Discogs don't worry about this.
Rule 3: Keep it topical. We archive Yugoslav war music, and we will not accept articles relating to the war in Ukraine, Israel, or any subjective slander on any country.
Rule 4: No gore, no death, no killing. We archive music, and discography. We disallow all imagery relating to war crimes, dead bodies, or people being killed in all forms. This applies to images, audio and video.
Rule 5: No doxing. Do not post sensitive personal information of anyone, including artists featured on this site. We will ban your account over this.
Rule 6: On that same note, "Look with your eyes, not with your hands". That is, do not reach out to any artist and harass them, ESPECIALLY regarding their war work. If we find that you have harassed an artist prior to joining, you will be banned from the site permanently.
Rule 7: No member of shall pay any money in order to obtain information, scans, or images for this site. Do not accept offers from people trying to sell you their scans. Information will be obtained freely, and distributed freely.
Rule 8: We do not accept watermarked images. If you watermark your images with your own "copyright", it will be instantly deleted from the site, and actions may be taken to penalize your account. Note: this only applies to baked-in watermarks (ones that lay text on, or alter the original image). Crediting yourself in the file name or description of the upload is allowed.
Rule 9: Speaking of credit, if you're uploading someone else's scans, please do what you can to get their permission, unless they've already uploaded it somewhere public like YouTube. You should always make it known if a scan is not yours, and try to credit the source, if they wish. You can do this in places like the "Notes" section of the variants panels, or in the description when you upload the image.
Rule 10: Savez is a serious wiki, and we expect our users to act in a professional manner. We will delete pages and suspend users who we deem to be acting childish and inappropriate.
Rule 11: Be descriptive with your filenames. Don't just upload "front.jpeg", because it will be much harder to find and reuse. The general file naming scheme we've been using thus far is as follows: "[Album]-[type]-[orientation]-[Year, optional]-[Signature].png". [Album] is the album name, [type] is the object (Tape, j-card, CD, cover), [Orientation] (front, back), [Year] is the year the release is from (don't include it if you aren't sure) and [Signature] is your initials or username. It's a lot to take in, but let's say I uploaded scans of Idemo Dalje, I'd write "IdemoDalje-jcard-front-Generacide.jpeg". Pretty easy.
Rule 12: Do not upload known, copyrighted audio to this site. This may result in DMCA takedowns of the wiki, and we may suspend your account. Linking to audio uploaded to Spotify or is permitted. We do allow audio uploads for completely unknown or lost works, but we will remove them if the owner contacts us, or once we gather more information on it.
Rule 13: Vandalism will result in a permanent ban.
Rules may be added or removed at later dates, so check up on this document once in a while to stay up to date.