Ultra Rare

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This page is dedicated to showcasing the rarest and most elusive media that emerged during the breakup of Yugoslavia found by members of the community. These recordings suffered from poor distribution in a time where tons of new albums were being released overnight or were created under extraordinary circumstances. This resulted in them being very hard to find in present day, as out of the limited copies sold, an even smaller number of them still exist today and are being sold second-hand.

Vera pravoslavna

Front scan of Generacide's tape.

Main article: Ljubiša Kalas - Vera pravoslavna

While he was known to the community before, it was thought that Ljubiša Kalas only made one war album, called Ljubo Granata, which was released by Master and RTVJ in 1993. With no records of any more war tapes released by Ljubiša, the discovery Vera pravoslavna was quite surprising for a few reasons. The label "РВ" (Cyrillic for "RV") is an unknown record label from which we have no other known releases. The catalogue number K 002 on Vera pravoslavna would imply it's the second tape released by RV, but no other tapes have been found. It's also not known where the tape was manufactured, as the cassette itself looks different to any other Yugoslav war tape found before it. However, the back of the J-card reveals the album was produced at the CFS "Košutnjak" Studio in Belgrade. It's also not known when the tape was released, but a handwritten date of December 23rd 1994 would suggest it was at released before that date.

Vera pravoslavna was acquired by Generacide in 2021, and it remains the only copy ever found.


Front scan of BalkanMapper's tape.

Main article: Slaviša Guja Slaja - Otadžbina

The first album by the artist Slaviša Guja Slaja released in 1992. It is a very amateur release with two known copies currently in collector hands. The physical cassette features only simply printed strips of paper with the tracklist and no other identifying information. The back cover is also provides little information, most notably that all songs were written during wartime Žepa, while in military service. The VBC label itself is previously unheard of and has never been seen on another release, with the back cover also providing no information other than the logo.

Despite the tape's rarity, the songs became quite popular, even during wartime and especially on the internet with the uploaded music videos, most notably by Naša Srpska Arhiva.