Nema oca da pokosi travu

From Savez

"Nema oca da pokosi travu" (lit. "There is No Father to Mow") is the first track to the 1990 album, Ljubiša Kalas. It is often confused as the album's title track. It would reappear three years later as the sixth track in the album Ljubo Granata.

"Nema oca da pokosi travu"
Song by Ljubiša Kalas
from the album Ljubiša Kalas
English titleThere is No Father to Mow
Released1990 (1990)
"Нема оца нема мајке"
Song by Љубиша Калас
from the album Љубо Граната
English titleThere is No Father, There is No Mother
Released1993 (1993)
Producer(s)М. Јовичић

Music and lyrics




Hej kućo stara mladosti moje
Puste su sada avlije tvoje
Niko na tebe glavu ne okreće
Na suhe voćke i svelo cvijeće
Niko na tebe glavu ne okreće
Na suhe voćke i svelo cvijeće

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Zarasla staza, ograde pale
Odavno prazne šupe i štale
Tuđa su stada na našoj livadi
Odavno niko zemlju ne radi
Tuđa su stada na našoj livadi
Odavno niko zemlju ne radi

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Na buđ me stara miriše kuća
Nikoga u njoj spava il ruča
Niko prozore njene da otvori
Nikoga u njoj da riječi zbori
Niko prozore njene da otvori
Nikoga u njoj da riječi zbori

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Nema oca da pokosi travu
Ispod kuće da poore njive
Majke nema voće da podbira
Sve bih dao da ih vidim žive

Lyrics (English):

Hey, old house of my youth
Your backyards are empty now
No one looks back on you
On dried fruit trees and withered flowers
No one looks back on you
On dried fruit trees and withered flowers

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again

Path overgrown, fences fallen,
Long, empty sheds and stables
Other's herds on our meadow,
Long unworked land
Other's herds on our meadow,
Long unworked land

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again

My old house smells like mold
No one inside to sleep and have lunch
No one to open the windows
No one inside to speak words
No one to open the windows
No one inside to speak words

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again

There is no father no mow
around the house to plow the fields
No mother to tend to fruit trees
I'd give everything to see them alive again