Trag Vječnosti

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Trag Vječnosti was a rock band from the city of Slavonski Brod founded in the 80s and led by guitarist Predrag Matasović. They got popular in the late 80s in Slavonski Brod and also gained notoriety in the 90s thanks to their song Stazama garde. They would continue to be active until recently when Predrag passed away in April 2023.


Early years

The band was founded in the 80s by guitarist Predrag Matasović and members changed multiple times during that period. Despite the inconsistency, the band would become popular in Brod. Former drummer of the band Boris Tomakić declared:

"Trag Vječnosti was at that time a popular band that had no competition in the villages from Brod to Vrpolje. On the other side, from Brod to Oriovac, Vremeplov was playing." [1]

The base lineup established was: Predrag Matasović (guitar, vocals), Ivica Hrg (bass guitar), Josip Špoljar (drums) and Hrvoje Kekez (keyboards). Another notable member was Zvonimir Ćosić - Ćosa who was a vocalist for the band in the 90s.[2]

War period

At the beginning of the war Predrag joined the 108th brigade as an electronic operator. In 1992, during the war, Ivana Glavašević wrote a song entitled Stazama garde which the band recorded together with Ćosa as vocalist. The song was included on the compilation Mom Brodu and also received a music video on TV, made in memory of Gordan Lederer, a war cameraman that died in Banija in August 1991. The song was added over Lederer's last war video named Banijska ratna praskozorja.

In May 1993 the band recorded their first and only studio album entitled I zato pjevat ću.... The cassette was dedicated to the killed and wounded Croatian soldiers[2] and was released in collaboration with the Brod branch of the HVIDR. The receipts from the tape went into the accounts of HVIDR, in order to help with humanitarian causes. On this album Ćosa would again be main vocalist, with Predrag performing on 2 songs. The songs were written in large part by Ivana Glavašević.[3]

Post war

After the war the band would change its direction, focusing on folk music rather than rock. This resulted in other changes to the lineup. The latest lineup for the band was: Predrag Matasović (guitar, vocals), Tihomir Gregurić (bass guitar, vocals), Nikola Gregurić (drums) and Dražen Hrvojević (keyboards). The band would be active until Predrag's passing on the 11th of April 2023.[4]


Studio albums

1993 - I zato pjevat ću...


1992 - Stazama garde (in the compilation Mom Brodu)
