I won't give any information about myself as a person here. ONLY TAPES!!!!!!!!111!!! If you want to know something about me, you can contact me yourself, and I will be glad to tell you if you're not a total rando and you're not being a troll. I just don't want random people knowing random things about me, that's really the only reason why :P
What music do you like outside of this?
I really like Lucki and another rapper I can't mention because of a certain rule.
What war tapes do you want the most?
Neđo Kostić - Nije lako Srbin biti
Neđo Mitrović - Za savez država srpskih
Neđo Kostić - Osveti me, sine
Neđo Mitrović - Bosna će se djeliti na dva djela (a copy that's NOT fake!)
Imenjaci - Sve za pravoslavlje
A few others, mainly those.
Will you write proper user page? kthx.
How did you get into this hobby?
Can't answer that because of a certain rule. No, I'm not kidding.
Coke or Pepsi?
If those are the only two options, then Pepsi. But seriously, there are so many other drinks, RC Cola, Dr. Pepper, Starry, Earp's, Mug, Ale81, Green River, Jarritos, and you choose Coke and Pepsi? You're not right in the head. WATER! But out of the two, definitely Pepsi.
Favorite war tape you own?
I don't really do favorites. But for right now, Humanitarna Kaseta iz Semberije.
Any war tapes you won't get?
Krunica tapes, Četnik songs, and most Izvorna tapes, not that I dislike the style, just that some are so low quality it pains me. Maybe some Bosnian nasheed tapes if there are any? I haven't heard of any Bosnian war nasheeds except "Mi smo vojska Allahova". Oh yeah, and most Baja and Mića tapes. Sorry, they're (mostly) overrated! And the one shitty one
What is your political stance on the war?
I'm not in this hobby for the politics.
How do you digitize?
My 40 dollar Chinese walkman broke (woah really????) so now I use a mediocre CD cassette radio combo unit from RCA. Rest in Peking, Auto Reverse & Clear Stereo Cassette Player, Built-in Cool Copper Wheel Movement & Earphone, Cassette Tape to MP3 Converter with Tape Converter Software, Powered by USB Power Cord or AA Battery. You will be missed.