"Knina ne dam" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Книна не дам", lit. "I Don't Give Knin") is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža. It is featured as the closing track of the debut album Ne dam Krajine, though would be overshadowed by other songs similar in theme.
Music and lyrics
Vijekovima odavnina
nemirno je oko Knina
od kad ovaj svijet postoji
stalno ginu Srbi moji
Preko puta balvan pade
stavili smo barikade
radili su nama svasta
više Srbin ne oprašta
Od kad sunce zemlju grije
od kad troglas stijene vije
Srbi ginu i krv liju
drugi pišu istoriju
U životu sve se mjenja
osim Srba i kamenja
dok oćima svojim gledam
Knina ne dam, Knina ne dam
Lyrics (English):
For centuries past
it has been restless around Knin
ever since this world exists
my Serbs constantly die
Across the way a log fell
we set up barricades
they did all sorts of things to us
the Serb no longer forgives
Since the sun warms the earth
since the cliffs echo in three voices
Serbs die and shed blood
others write history
In life, everything changes
except for the Serbs and the stones
as I look with my own eyes
I won't give up Knin, I won't give up Knin