Contribution Guide

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Revision as of 16:58, 7 July 2023 by Generacide (talk | contribs) (Expand this article)
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We want to standardize all contributions to keep things as organized and intuitive as possible. If you have ideas to change this guide, you're free to reach out. This article will introduce the various formalities that we wish to abide by.

Basic Guidelines:

  • English is the site's main language. Translated articles are allowed, but we want to standardize the database around the English language. This means wherever possible, articles should be first made in English, and translated from English to other languages.
  • All categories should be pluralized. If you want to categorize an article you need to add [[Category:Artists]] to your article in the source editor. If you create a new category (though this should only be done by admins) Make everything plural. Change "Artist" to "Artists" for example. If you fail to do this, it will create an entirely new category for "Artist" (as an example) and people will have a hard time finding your articles in that category.
  • Speaking of categories make sure to add your article to the proper categories. If you don't, your work might be wasted since it will be hard to find your page, and someone might make the same article, not knowing you made it before. If the article is an album, put it in the Albums category, Artist in Artists, and Labels... Well you get the point.
  • Right now, we're basing all album articles off the Rat i Mir article, since it's nicely structured and had lots of good features. Use it as a template.
  • Please write your page titles in the Latin alphabet and not Cyrillic. if we randomly use both, it makes organizing things extremely messy, and users basically need to search for it twice. Be sure to use proper special characters for article names (Example: Make sure "Živeće" in isn't spelled "Zivice" in "Živeće ovaj narod") or else you get a similar issue.