Miriše na kišu

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"Мирише на кишу"
Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Живеће овај народ
English titleSmells Like Rain
Released1993 (1993)
LabelNina Trejd
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Miriše na kišu" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Мирише на кишу", lit. "Smells Like Rain") is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža. During war time, it was a set list staple with a majority of archived concerts featuring the song, though would not appear in any compilations. An alternate version of the melody would be used for the post-war song "Posle oluje" which also includes a direct call back to the line "Oblačno je, miriše na kišu".

Music and lyrics




Šta se ovo dešava sa nama
Srpkinje u crnim maramama
Gavranovi kruže iznad sela
na Dinari presušila vrela
Opet dušman u jame nas baca
setite se Srbi Miljevaca
Oblačno je, miriše na kišu
nema više ništa u Drnišu
Prokleta je Peruča i Brana
mnogo nam je nanijela rana
Kukale su mnoge familije
pokraj crkve Svetoga Ilije
Savila se tuga oko srca
kod Obrovca ponovo se puca
U Cetini pršuti se suše
u Kijevu nema žive duše

Lyrics (English):

What is happening to us
Serb women in black scarves?

The crows are circling above the village
The springs have dried up on Dinara

Again, the enemy throws us into pits
Remember, Serbs, Miljevci

It’s cloudy, it smells like rain
There’s nothing left in Drniš

Cursed is Peruća and the Dam
It has caused us many wounds

Many families have cried
By the church of Saint Elijah

Grief has bent around the heart
Near Obrovac, the shooting starts again

In Cetina, the prosciutto is drying
In Kijevo, there is not a living soul