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(Early life)
("its gonna be as barebones as shizz". Spent all night working this out. Could be better, but this will do for now.)
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| instrument        = Vocals
| instrument        = Vocals
| years_active      = 1989–present
| years_active      = 1989–present
| label            = Jugoton, Diskoton, Diskos, iCD, SuperTon, MD, Lazarević Produktion, Music Star Production
| label            = Jugoton, Diskoton, Diskos, iCD, SuperTon, MD Estrada Commerce, Lazarević Produktion, Music Star Production

'''Miroslav Pržulj''' (Serbian Cyrillic: Мирослав Пржуљ; born 26 March 1960),<ref name=":0">[https://web.archive.org/web/20200326215920/https://pink.rs/zadruga/196365/svi-odmah-na-pink-nakon-micinog-rodjendana-pojavio-se-on-da-zadrugarima-pomrsi-sve-konce "SVI ODMAH NA PINK! Nakon Mićinog rođendana, pojavio se ON da zadrugarima pomrsi sve konce!"] ''pink.rs''. Archived from [https://pink.rs/zadruga/196365/svi-odmah-na-pink-nakon-micinog-rodjendana-pojavio-se-on-da-zadrugarima-pomrsi-sve-konce the original] on 26 March 2020. Retrieved 20 March 2025.</ref> best known by his stage name '''Lepi Mića''' (Serbian Cyrillic: Лепи Мића), is a Serb folk singer-songwriter. He is most known for his wartime music. He has made ten total albums, five during the Yugoslav War, four of which are patriotic. His stage name was given by his godfather and prominent Bosnian folk singer and songwriter Nazif Gliva.
'''Miroslav Pržulj''' ([[Learn Cyrillic|Serbian Cyrillic]]: Мирослав Пржуљ; born 26 March 1960),<ref name=":0">[https://web.archive.org/web/20200326215920/https://pink.rs/zadruga/196365/svi-odmah-na-pink-nakon-micinog-rodjendana-pojavio-se-on-da-zadrugarima-pomrsi-sve-konce "SVI ODMAH NA PINK! Nakon Mićinog rođendana, pojavio se ON da zadrugarima pomrsi sve konce!"] ''pink.rs''. Archived from [https://pink.rs/zadruga/196365/svi-odmah-na-pink-nakon-micinog-rodjendana-pojavio-se-on-da-zadrugarima-pomrsi-sve-konce the original] on 26 March 2020. Retrieved 20 March 2025.</ref> best known by his stage name '''Lepi Mića''' ([[Learn Cyrillic|Serbian Cyrillic]]: Лепи Мића), is a Serb folk singer-songwriter. He is most known for his wartime music. He has made ten albums total, five during the Yugoslav Wars, four of which are patriotic. His stage name was given by his godfather, prominent Bosnian folk singer and songwriter Nazif Gljiva.

==Early life==
==Early life==
Lepi Mića was born on 26 March 1960 in the town of Sarajevo, SFR Yugoslavia (present day Bosnia and Hercegovina) and was one of five children. His parents owned a food establishment where he would help from a young age, developing a love for the kafana. He would begin working as a waiter following his graduation from school and although his parents owned a popular kafana of their own, Mića decided to work at another one where he would see popular singers like Halid Muslimović, Halid Bešlić, and Hanka Paldum. One occasion when Mića picked up the mic, and decided to start singing at the behest of Bešlić.<ref>"[https://archive.vn/pWqyb Lepi Mića: Zli jezici pričaju da ne mogu otići u rodno Sarajevo – to su budalaštine!]" hypebih.ba. Archived from [https://hypebih.ba/lepi-mica-zli-jezici-pricaju-da-ne-mogu-otici-u-rodno-sarajevo-to-su-budalastine/ the original] on 21 March 2025. Retrieved 21 March 2025.</ref>
Lepi Mića was born on 26 March 1960 in the town of Sarajevo, SFR Yugoslavia (present day Bosnia and Hercegovina) and was one of five children. His parents owned a food establishment where he would help from a young age, developing a love for the kafana. He would begin working as a waiter following his graduation from school and although his parents owned a popular kafana of their own, Mića decided to work at another one where he would see popular singers like Halid Muslimović, Halid Bešlić, and Hanka Paldum. On one occasion of Mića picking up the mic, he decided to start singing at the behest of Bešlić. As a result, he ended up with two jobs: a waiter as his main source of income and a singer as a side gig.<ref name=":1">"[https://archive.vn/pWqyb Lepi Mića: Zli jezici pričaju da ne mogu otići u rodno Sarajevo – to su budalaštine!]" hypebih.ba. 24 December 2024. Archived from [https://hypebih.ba/lepi-mica-zli-jezici-pricaju-da-ne-mogu-otici-u-rodno-sarajevo-to-su-budalastine/ the original] on 21 March 2025. Retrieved 21 March 2025.</ref>

In 1989, Mića released his debut album ''Rulet sreće'' with his godfather composing and Sadeta Ramović (Gljiva's spouse) providing lyrics. The song "Ti si moje toplo ljeto" would be featured on a compilation highlighting Gljiva's work in the same year.
In 1991, Mića released his second album ''Imao sam jednu ljubav''. Nazif Gljiva would reprise his role as composer and was also the album's primary lyricist. His earliest known TV appearance would have him perform one of the songs featured on the album, "Eh, da mi je tvoju sliku".<ref>Hugg. "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2idJZUfy73U Lepi Mica Eh da imam tvoju sliku Folk Filigran februar 1992]". youtube.com. 6 June 2024. Retrieved 22 June 2025.</ref>
==== Career during the break up of Yugoslavia ====
Following the start of the Bosnian war, Pržulj and his siblings would move to Belgrade on their own volition. Although he did do mandatory service for a few years, he would not re-enlist as he was occupied with performing. To make up for his absence, he would produce three patriotic albums: ''Republiko Srpska'' in 1992, and ''Pravoslavci'' and ''Srbima za sva vremena'' in 1993.<ref>NSA - Naša Srpska Arhiva. "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjSH5y2pG-k <nowiki>Lepi Mića - Krvava Svadba [TrueHD]</nowiki>]". youtube.com. 30 July 2019. Retrieved 22 March 2025.</ref> Select songs would be compiled in the 1993 VHS ''Srbima za sva vremena'' and occasionally performed on certain television networks. During his war career he would meet singer and songwriter [[Baja Mali Knindža]], as well as arranger Goran Radinović who would help him in future endeavors.
In 1994, he released the album ''[[Gdje cvetaju božuri]]'' where the only song he authored, "Muslimani, bolje da vas nema" would gain infamy decades later.<ref>"[https://express.ba/kolumne/339998/prica-o-pjesmi-lepog-mice-muslimani-bolje-da-vas-nema/ PRIČA O PJESMI LEPOG MIĆE: Muslimani bolje da vas nema]". ''express.ba''. 13 March 2021. Retrieved 15 August 2024.</ref> ''Garo moja'', an album that is not related to the war was also released in the same year.
Mića would become a very popular singer throughout the nineties, performing all over the world with other notable singers like Bajaga, Bora Čorba, and Neda Ukraden. He would perform at venues, weddings, and to politicians, businessmen and athletes alike, being sure to cater to their preferences. He had reportedly performed for Arkan in 1991 and heard his music played in Russian monasteries.<ref name=":1" /><ref>I.M. "[https://archive.ph/O0VOz Lepi Mića otkrio zašto godinama ŽIVI U RIJALITIJU i kolika je plata njegovoj ćerki u Guglu: Evo kome ide sav novac koji zaradi u 'Zadruzi]'". Blic.rs. 10 August 2022. Archived from [https://www.blic.rs/zabava/lepi-mica-otkrio-zasto-godinama-zasto-godinma-zivi-u-rijalitiju/b72qkx4 the original] on 22 March 2025. Retrieved 22 March 2025.</ref>
==== Post-war career ====
With the end of the Yugo Wars, Mića pivoted to love songs, releasing a self-titled album in 1996 and ''Svaka me zima ne tebe sjeća'' in 1998. The ladder would feature lyrics by Baja and Gljiva and both albums were arranged by Radinović.
In 2007, Mića would release his most recent album, ''Oj, Srbijo, moja majko''. He would make TV appearances, including a segment where he chats with Baja.
In 2011, Mića released two new songs "Tugo moja suđena" and Sve su moje pjesme tužne", though whether or not it was part of a bigger project is unknown.
In 2013, Mića made his debut TV show "Farm" on its sixth season, though was kicked off due to a racist remark.<ref>Mondo. "[https://www.telegraf.rs/jetset/883613-mica-nisam-vredjao-turke-rat-se-davno-zavrsio LEPI MIĆA: Nisam vređao Turke, rat je završen!]" ''Telegraf.rs''. 21 November 2013. Retrieved 22 March 2025.</ref> Around the same time, Bosnian fans of the show raised concerns about the inclusion of the singer due to his nationalist works. Pink TV staff issued a statement stating that they did not intend to become a nationalistic program and had no intentions of bringing up the past when he was chosen for the show.<ref>Sanel. "[https://minber.ba/?p=17894 Pjevao je “Muslimani bolje da vas nema”, a sada se smiješi sa TV ekrana]". minber.ba. 12 September 2013. Retrieved 22 March 2025.</ref> After a public apology, he has gone back on the show and has appeared in reality TV programs ever since, primarily because of the pay. He no longer performs and has not had a concert performance, public or private, since 2018.

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{{Div col|colwidth=30em|content=
{{Div col|colwidth=30em|content=
*''Rulet Sreće (1989)
*''Rulet sreće (1989)
*''Imao Sam Jednu Ljubav (1991)
*''Imao sam jednu ljubav (1991)
*''[[Republiko Srpska|Републико Српска]] (1992)
*''[[Republiko Srpska]] (1992)
*''[[Srbima za sva vremena|Србима за сва времена]] (1993)
*''[[Pravoslavci]] (1993)
*''[[Pravoslavci|Православци]] (1993)
*''[[Srbima za sva vremena]] (1993)
*''Гаро моја (1994)
*''Garo moja (1994)
*''[[Gdje cvetaju božuri|Гдје цветају божури]] (1994)
*''[[Gdje cvetaju božuri]] (1994)
*''Lepi Mića (1996)
*''Lepi Mića (1996)
*''Svaka Me Zima Ne Tebe Sjeća (1998)
*''Svaka me zima ne tebe sjeća (1998)
*''Ој, Србијо, Моја Мајко (2007)}}
*''Oj, Srbijo, moja majko (2007)}}
==== Video ====
{{Div col|colwidth=30em|content=*''[[Srbima za sva vremena (VHS)|Srbima za sva vremena]] (1993)}}
<references />
<references />

Latest revision as of 11:03, 22 March 2025

Lepi Mića
Лепи Мића
Lepi Mica Artist Image.jpg
Background information
Birth nameMiroslav Pržulj
Born (1960-03-26) March 26, 1960 (age 64)
Sarajevo, SFR Yugoslavia
Years active1989–present
LabelsJugoton, Diskoton, Diskos, iCD, SuperTon, MD Estrada Commerce, Lazarević Produktion, Music Star Production

Miroslav Pržulj (Serbian Cyrillic: Мирослав Пржуљ; born 26 March 1960),[1] best known by his stage name Lepi Mića (Serbian Cyrillic: Лепи Мића), is a Serb folk singer-songwriter. He is most known for his wartime music. He has made ten albums total, five during the Yugoslav Wars, four of which are patriotic. His stage name was given by his godfather, prominent Bosnian folk singer and songwriter Nazif Gljiva.

Early life

Lepi Mića was born on 26 March 1960 in the town of Sarajevo, SFR Yugoslavia (present day Bosnia and Hercegovina) and was one of five children. His parents owned a food establishment where he would help from a young age, developing a love for the kafana. He would begin working as a waiter following his graduation from school and although his parents owned a popular kafana of their own, Mića decided to work at another one where he would see popular singers like Halid Muslimović, Halid Bešlić, and Hanka Paldum. On one occasion of Mića picking up the mic, he decided to start singing at the behest of Bešlić. As a result, he ended up with two jobs: a waiter as his main source of income and a singer as a side gig.[2]


In 1989, Mića released his debut album Rulet sreće with his godfather composing and Sadeta Ramović (Gljiva's spouse) providing lyrics. The song "Ti si moje toplo ljeto" would be featured on a compilation highlighting Gljiva's work in the same year.

In 1991, Mića released his second album Imao sam jednu ljubav. Nazif Gljiva would reprise his role as composer and was also the album's primary lyricist. His earliest known TV appearance would have him perform one of the songs featured on the album, "Eh, da mi je tvoju sliku".[3]

Career during the break up of Yugoslavia

Following the start of the Bosnian war, Pržulj and his siblings would move to Belgrade on their own volition. Although he did do mandatory service for a few years, he would not re-enlist as he was occupied with performing. To make up for his absence, he would produce three patriotic albums: Republiko Srpska in 1992, and Pravoslavci and Srbima za sva vremena in 1993.[4] Select songs would be compiled in the 1993 VHS Srbima za sva vremena and occasionally performed on certain television networks. During his war career he would meet singer and songwriter Baja Mali Knindža, as well as arranger Goran Radinović who would help him in future endeavors.

In 1994, he released the album Gdje cvetaju božuri where the only song he authored, "Muslimani, bolje da vas nema" would gain infamy decades later.[5] Garo moja, an album that is not related to the war was also released in the same year.

Mića would become a very popular singer throughout the nineties, performing all over the world with other notable singers like Bajaga, Bora Čorba, and Neda Ukraden. He would perform at venues, weddings, and to politicians, businessmen and athletes alike, being sure to cater to their preferences. He had reportedly performed for Arkan in 1991 and heard his music played in Russian monasteries.[2][6]

Post-war career

With the end of the Yugo Wars, Mića pivoted to love songs, releasing a self-titled album in 1996 and Svaka me zima ne tebe sjeća in 1998. The ladder would feature lyrics by Baja and Gljiva and both albums were arranged by Radinović.

In 2007, Mića would release his most recent album, Oj, Srbijo, moja majko. He would make TV appearances, including a segment where he chats with Baja.

In 2011, Mića released two new songs "Tugo moja suđena" and Sve su moje pjesme tužne", though whether or not it was part of a bigger project is unknown.

In 2013, Mića made his debut TV show "Farm" on its sixth season, though was kicked off due to a racist remark.[7] Around the same time, Bosnian fans of the show raised concerns about the inclusion of the singer due to his nationalist works. Pink TV staff issued a statement stating that they did not intend to become a nationalistic program and had no intentions of bringing up the past when he was chosen for the show.[8] After a public apology, he has gone back on the show and has appeared in reality TV programs ever since, primarily because of the pay. He no longer performs and has not had a concert performance, public or private, since 2018.





  1. "SVI ODMAH NA PINK! Nakon Mićinog rođendana, pojavio se ON da zadrugarima pomrsi sve konce!" pink.rs. Archived from the original on 26 March 2020. Retrieved 20 March 2025.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Lepi Mića: Zli jezici pričaju da ne mogu otići u rodno Sarajevo – to su budalaštine!" hypebih.ba. 24 December 2024. Archived from the original on 21 March 2025. Retrieved 21 March 2025.
  3. Hugg. "Lepi Mica Eh da imam tvoju sliku Folk Filigran februar 1992". youtube.com. 6 June 2024. Retrieved 22 June 2025.
  4. NSA - Naša Srpska Arhiva. "Lepi Mića - Krvava Svadba [TrueHD]". youtube.com. 30 July 2019. Retrieved 22 March 2025.
  5. "PRIČA O PJESMI LEPOG MIĆE: Muslimani bolje da vas nema". express.ba. 13 March 2021. Retrieved 15 August 2024.
  6. I.M. "Lepi Mića otkrio zašto godinama ŽIVI U RIJALITIJU i kolika je plata njegovoj ćerki u Guglu: Evo kome ide sav novac koji zaradi u 'Zadruzi'". Blic.rs. 10 August 2022. Archived from the original on 22 March 2025. Retrieved 22 March 2025.
  7. Mondo. "LEPI MIĆA: Nisam vređao Turke, rat je završen!" Telegraf.rs. 21 November 2013. Retrieved 22 March 2025.
  8. Sanel. "Pjevao je “Muslimani bolje da vas nema”, a sada se smiješi sa TV ekrana". minber.ba. 12 September 2013. Retrieved 22 March 2025.