Zlatna truba od Užica zove

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Revision as of 07:04, 22 April 2024 by Randomatribute20k (talk | contribs) (Just got the digitized file for this album today. Some great stuff on here. If there was a cassette version that was ever produced, I guess we'll move pages.)
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Златна труба од ужица зове
Video by
DirectorSlobodan Perišić
ProducerSlavonjub Marković Ćiba

Zlatna truba od Užica zove (Serbian Cyrillic: Златна труба од Ужица зове, lit. "Gold Trumpets from Užica Are Calling") is a 1994 music video compilation from the brass band group Duvački orkestar Miće Petrovića, released some time in 1994 by Master. The VHS contains performances of the band with occasional guest appearances from folk artists such as Era Ojdanić and Nikola Urošević Gedža.


All songs featured in the VHS are traditional folk songs. Furthermore, the songs are not new covers. The earliest appearance of "Svilen konac" is in the 1993 Jugohit compilation Folk extra parada hitova, "Nema moje čobanice" comes from the 1989 self-titled album by Slobodan Mulina, "Marš na Drinu" originally appeared in the 1989 album of the same name, "Na uskrs sam se rodila" and "Stiglo pismo od Užica" are from the 1989 album Zlatna truba '88, and "Oj Srbijo, ti si naše srce" is from the 1992 Miljko Vitezović album of the same name. All instrumentals from the band are from previous releases. With the exception of Slobodan Mulina, all of these albums were published by Jugodisk. While "'Ajd idemo Rado" seems to have been of unknown origin, the sound quality is indicative of a recording on-location or from an undocumented Jugodisk/Master album.

Sponsor logos will occasionally appear at the beginning and end of each music video. While most songs are filmed in rural areas with cooperation with the locals, other locations are restaurants and even a wedding. This could be due to the general sponsor of the compilation Invest Biro being a urban development firm, though it is not clear on how involved they were with the production.


Zlatna truba od užica zove was released some time in 1994 by Master. Unlike cut boxes or the standard clamshell cases that are typical for releases of this kind, this release uses a slip-case.

While Master mainly produces albums, it is unknown if a cassette counterpart of the compilation was ever produced.

Track listing

All tracks performed by Orkestar Miće Petrovića except where noted.

1."Поранио Милорад"  
2."Свилен конац"Весна Ђоковић 
3."Звонце коло"  
4."Нема моје чобанице"Слободан Мулина 
5."Ракетино Коло"  
6."Марш на Дрину"Урошевић Геџа 
7."Данилово коло"  
8."На ускрс сам се родила"Весна Ђоковић 
9."Зов чобана"  
10."'Ајд идемо Радо"Милка Ђуришић 
11."Каубојско коло"  
12."Ој Србијо ти си наше срце"Миљко Витезовић 
13."Ђурђев дан"  
14."Стигло писмо од Ужица"Ера Ојданић 
15."Прлово коло"  
16."Анђео чувар"  



  • Оркестар Милована Миће Петровића- Учествују
  • Весна Ђоковић- гост
  • Слободан Мулина- гост
  • Никола Урошевић Геџа- гост
  • Милка Ђуришић- гост
  • Миљко Витезовић- гост
  • Куд Баљаонице- Учествују
  • Барка Севојно- Учествују


  • Милован Петровић- Уредник програма
  • Славољуб Марковић Ћиба- Продуцент
  • Радослав Бојковић- Тон мајстор
  • Бладимир Дивјак- Директор фотографије
  • Слободан Перишић- Режија
  • "SP" Company- Извршна продукција
  • Бане Петковић- Ком. Диуајн
  • HOLLYWOOD - Ужице- Фотографија
  • Милан Јовичић- Директор, главни и одговорни уредник
  • Цанком Београд- Спонзор програма
  • Инвест-Биро Београд- Генерални спонзор


Захваљујемо се свима који су помогли на реалиуацији овог пројекта


Захваљзјемо се добрим домачинима на дочеку, помоћи и сарадњи.


Master release (1994)
  • Slipcase
  • White label, blue text
  • Poor audio quality