Srpske patriotske pesme

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Српске патриотске песме
Studio album by
Жељко Самарџић-Панонац
Жељко Самарџић-Панонац chronology
Plavo oko
Српске патриотске песме
Suza Kosova

Srpske patriotske pesme (Serbian Cyrillic: Српске патриотске песме, lit. "Serbian Patriotic Songs"), commonly referred to as Živelo Pravoslavlje (Serbian Cyrillic: Живело Православље, lit. "Long Live Orthodoxy") is the second studio album by folk singer Željko Samardžić Panonac.


The album uses references traditional folk such as using "drma mi se na šubari cvet" and "ko to kaže ko to laže Srbija je mala". Credited as Folk, "Koji je si na nebesi" is an adaptation of the Šaban Bajramović song, "Dođi iz tuđine".


Srpske patriotske pesme was released by Jugohit in 1993. Bujak shop released the album in Switzerland and to date, it is one of two of the only known Jugohit releases that received a foreign release from the label with the other being the 1995 album, Rakija šuti u buretu samo. A VHS with the same name would be released in the same year with its cover advertising "Tera Miloš stoku preko Save" as a hit.

The album has three known tape shell variants: a clear cassette, a black translucent cassette, and a black tiled cassette. The former is known to have saturated audio and is the more common variant, and the latter two have good audio quality.

The song, "Tera Miloš stoku preko Save" is featured 1993 compilation, Srpske omiljene pesme vol. 1 and was referenced in the 2000 academic essay Music Wars: Blood and Song at the end of Yugoslavia.[1] A reworked version of "Koji je si na nebesi", written by the album's production overseer, Zoran Protić is featured on the 2004 album, Na skrivenoj adresi. "Drma mi se na šubari cvet" would be featured on the compilation album Četničke pesme uživo, though it is not known if patriot asked for permission to use it.

In the late 2000's, songs from the album would be posted on YouTube from a few channels. In 2009, "Živelo Pravoslavlje" was uploaded by the YouTube channel rusofili.[2] In 2012, "Gledam kapu đeda svog" was posted in the form of a cover on the YouTube channel Гледам Капу.[3] In the same year, "Kokarde na glave" and "Koji je si na nebesi" was uploaded by the YouTube channel Братство Орловића.[4][5] More than a decade later in 2023, "Nema Saše oj Jovane sedi" would be posted by the channel albeit with saturated audio.[6] All of the channels are owned by Panonac himself[7][8][9] and by extension, is also the current rightsholder of the album. Despite this, he is either not in possession of the master or the master he has is damaged as all songs vary in quality and at a slower speed.

Currently the songs "Osvetite glavu Milanovu", "Drma mi se na šubari cvet", and the album's version of "Gledam kapu đeda svog" are not available on YouTube, but are available on external sites.[10][11]

Track listing

All lyrics by Самарџић; all music composed by Самарџић except where noted. All arrangements by Н. Балаћ except where noted.

Side B
1."Који је си на небеси"народна 3:40
2."Бог је уз нас/Кокарде на главе/"  2:05
3."Гледам капу ђеда свог" Д. Булатовић3:15
4."Нема Саше ој Јоване седи"  4:49
Total length:27:47



  • Жељко Самарџић-Панонац- музика и текст, аранжмани
  • Н. Балаћ- аранжмани
  • Д. Булатовић- аранжмани
  • Бранислава-Банета Николића- оркестар
  • Николић- аранжмани
  • Лорбек- аранжмани
  • Ивана Олујић-Олуја- гост
  • Ратко Краљевић- гост
  • гуслар Зоран Самарџић- гост


  • С.А.С у Новом Саду- Студио
  • Браћа Лорбек- Мајстори звука и микс
  • "С.А.С. Продукција - Нови Сад"
  • ЛУКА ТЕШИЋ- Извршни продуцент и спонзор
  • В. Николић- Директор уредник програма
  • Зоран Протић - ШАПАРАЦ- Рецензент



Лука и Жељко

Tape Variants

Jugohit release (1993)
  • Great audio quality
  • Jugohit signature stamps on j-card back and cassette
  • Company information stamp on j-card back
  • Cover has red tint
Jugohit reissue (Year unknown)
  • Great audio quality
  • Black tiled cassette
  • No stamp(s)
Jugohit reissue (Year unknown)
  • Common variant
  • Poor audio quality
  • Jugohit company info stamp on j-card back


  1. Tomislav Longinović (1 December 2000). "Music Wars: Blood and Song at the end of Yugoslavia". Music and the Racial Imagination. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226701999. p. 642
  2. Живело Православље - српска антиратна песма. rusofili. 10 June 2009. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  3. GLEDAM KAPU ĐEDA SVOGA (Original) Жељко Панонац. Гледам Капу. 29 February 2012. Archived from the original. Retrieved 20 October 2023.
  4. Кокарде на главе (ОРИГИНАЛ). Братство Орловића. 10 March 2012. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  5. Који Јеси На Небеси / Koji Jesi Na Nebesi (Original). Братство Орловића. 17 September 2023. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  6. Нема Саше ој Јоване седи / Nema Saše, oj Jovane sedi (Original). Братство Орловића. 12 October 2023. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  7. About. rusofili. 3 August 2008. Archived from the original.
  8. About. Гледам Капу. 23 May 2009. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2026.
  9. About. Братство Орловића. 12 October 2007. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  10. Artist Zeljko Samardzic Panonac. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  11. Željko Samardžić Panonac - Živelo Pravoslavlje (1993). 16 August 2020. Archived from the original. Retrieved 26 October 2023.