User talk:Ladinslavanicc

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I like collecting militaria and war tapes I have 20-30 war tapes some rare, some not. My rarest tapes are bojni otrov and unprofor; probably all you need to know. You can check my Discogs for some stuff.

Oh yeah, I also have some vhs tapes like 21 of them all war related [that are] not digitized!!!!!


I think you meant to make a userpage. If so, then you gotta add more spice to this. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to flex the quantity of your tapes, but with the page looking like it was hastily made, we don't get that impression. You should humanize yourself instead of making some sort of Hall of Fame page. Trust me, it's very tempting to just make an account and immediately post digits, but with nothing to go off of it just sounds like you're here to troll unsuspecting users (which I assume isn't your intention) (;‘• - •`; ).

Why did you come to Will you add releases to the database? How long have you collected stuff? Why does this interest you? Will you invest in a proper digitization setup or if you already have, what is your current setup? What kind of militaria do you collect? Do you have any rare parts of that collection? What name do you go by on Discogs?

^Questions to think about when assembling a userpage. It's certainly not a quick job, but first impressions are important. So if you're really serious about flaunting your stuff, write like you mean it! ( ´•ᴗ•)ก

As they say, a collector who cares about their collection has a story, a collector who shows numbers doesn't. I could have left my page as "Hi, I'm Maki and I have almost 140 war tapes common and rare", but it doesn't leave as much as an impression as what I've left on that page. Granted you don't have to go THAT much in-depth with your life story and you don't have to make your page 90% in QnA format either, but some potatoes with the stew never hurt anybody (or whatever they say). Let loose and have at it! Show us the net benefits you'll provide for us! \(≧▽≦)/
