Živeće ovaj narod (Song)

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"Живеће овај народ"
Zivece ovaj narod common front cover.jpeg
Album in which the song first appeared in.
Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Живеће овај народ
English titleThese People Will Live On
Released1993 (1993)
LabelNina Trejd
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Živeće ovaj narod" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Живеће овај народ", lit. "These People Will Live On") is the title track of the album of the same name performed by prominent war singer Baja Mali Knindža. The song is known to have had some play on the radio and had some appearances in live setlists in its year of release.[1] While it faded in obscurity post-war, it would gain a cult following with the release of the remastered version.

Music and lyrics

"Živeće ovaj narod" is the only known occasion in Baja's solo career where the song contains the phrase "God is a Serb". The song is about how Serbs will continue to live on even if people are against them. The chorus notes the perseverance the Serbs have, already surviving the tribulations the Ustasha gave them decades prior.



Mogu da nas mrze
da nas ne vole
al' Srbinu niko
ništa ne može

Živeće ovaj narod
i posle ustaša
jer i Bog je Srbin
nebesa su naše

Mogu da nas mrze
da pale i ruše
mi imamo dušu
oni su bez duše

Živeće ovaj narod
i posle ustaša
jer i Bog je Srbin
nebesa su naše

Mogu da nas mrze
dušmani od reda
al' Srbi su najjači
rekao mi deda

Živeće ovaj narod
i posle ustaša
jer i Bog je Srbin
nebesa su naše

Lyrics (English):

They can hate us
and not love us
but nobody can
do anything to a Serb

These people will live on
even after Ustasha
because God is a Serb
and paradise is ours

They can hate us
burn us and destroy us
we have a soul
they are soulless

These people will live on
even after Ustasha
because God is a Serb
and paradise is ours

They can hate us
the enemies across us
but Serbians are stronger
said my grandpa

These people will live on
even after Ustasha
because God is a Serb
and paradise is ours

  1. Elli Bar Ludwigsburg, Baja Mali Knindza, 23.09.1993. GornjaCrkvina. 6 February 2013. Retrieved 30 November 2023