Braćo moja preko okeana

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"Браћо моја преко океана"
2012 live performance of "Braćo moja preko okeana", hosted by Tv Duga Plus.
Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Не дам Крајине
English titleMy Brothers Across the Ocean
Released1991 (1991)
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Braćo moja preko okeana" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Браћо моја преко океана", lit. "My Brothers Across the Ocean") is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža. It is the second track in Baja's debut album, Ne dam Krajine.

Since its release in 1992, its only known live performance was in 2012 with slightly altered lyrics.[1] In the remastered release of the album, the song is prematurely cut off at the end in the iTunes release.

Music and lyrics

It is first of many songs in Baja's discography to mention leader of the Chetnik Dinara Division Momčilo Đujić. Like most songs written about Đujić the song wishes for the vojvoda to return, although would criticize him for not returning when the war broke out. This is one of two songs to be written in this way with the other being "Ima Boga, ima pravde" from the 1995 album, Idemo dalje.

The song itself is more melancholic musically compared to the other tracks on the album.



Braćo moja preko okeana,
doći ću vam i ja ovih dana.
Oj Stevane, Momčilo i Riste,
Zašto kući dolazili niste?

Đe ste sada sokolovi sivi
Da vidite kako brale živi.
Crno nebo, oluja se sprema,
U Krajini više mira nema.

Pozdravite svu rodbinu dragu,
Starog đeda tamo u Čikagu.
Ako bog da i neđelja sveta
Momčilo će Krajinom da šeta.

Ako dođe do krvavog boja
Daću život, oj Krajino moja.
Daću život, neću da se kajem,
Znam za koga i zašto ga dajem

Lyrics (English):

My brothers across the ocean,
I will come to you in these days.
Oh Stevan, Momčilo, and Risto,
Why haven’t you come home?

Where are you now, gray falcons,
To see how your brother lives?
Black sky, a storm is brewing,
There is no more peace in Krajina.

Greet all the dear relatives,
Old grandpa there in Chicago.
God willing, on the holy Sunday
Momčilo will stroll through Krajina.

If it comes to bloody conflict,
I will give my life, oh my Krajina.
I will give my life, I will not regret,
I know for whom and why I give it.


  1. Baja Mali Knindza - Braco moja preko okeana - (LIVE) - (Vucija Luka 2012) - (Tv Duga Plus). TV Duga Plus Melodija Records. 17 August 2014. Retrieved 20 November 2023.