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Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Не дам Крајине
English titleKrajišnik
Released1991 (1991)
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Krajišnik" (Serbian Cyrillic: Крајишник) is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža. Since its appearance in the debut album, Ne dam Krajine, it largely faded into obscurity with other songs such as "Knindže Krajišnici" and the duet "Krajišnik i Srbijanka" over shadowing its presence.

Music and lyrics




Otiš'o sam Krajino
davno bješe to'
al' je ispod Dinare
srce ostalo

Vratiću se kuci
da Martić ne brine
ne može Krajišnik
bez Krajine

Otiš'o sam braćo
ostali ste mi
pravite li barikade
sad u Strmici

Vratiću se kuci
da Martić ne brine
ne može Krajišnik
bez Krajine

Otiso sam Krajino
davno bješe to
vratiću se tebi
moja Dinaro

Vratiću se kuci
da Martić ne brine
ne može Krajišnik
bez Krajine

Lyrics (English):

I went to Krajina
that was long ago
but beneath Dinara
my heart remains

I will return home
so Martić won't worry
a Krajina man
cannot be without Krajina

I left, brothers
you are left behind
are you making barricades
now in Strmica?

I will return home
so Martić won't worry
a Krajina man
cannot be without Krajina

I went to Krajina
that was long ago
I will return to you
my Dinara

I will return home
so Martić won't worry
a Krajina man
cannot be without Krajina