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'''''Srbima za sva vremena''''' (Serbian Cyrillic: Србима за сва времена, lit. Forever for the Serbs) is the fifth studio album by Lepi Mića, released by iCD. It is the last of the three war cassettes Lepi would make before the release of [[Srbima za sva vremena (VHS)|the VHS of the same name]] and the second-to-last patriotic tape he would make over the course of the war.  
{{Infobox album
| name        = Србима за сва времена
| type        = studio
| artist      = [[Lepi Mića|Лепи Мића]]
| cover        = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Jcard-front-Generacide.jpg
| released     = 1993
| genre        = [[Novokompovana narodna muzika|Novokompovana]]
| length      = 34:05
| label        = [[iCD]]
| producer    = В. Шараба, [[Nikola Barać|Н. Бараћ]], [[Vajo Cvjetičanin|В. Цвјетичанин]]
| prev_title  = [[Pravoslavci|Православци]]
| prev_year    = 1993
| next_title  = [[Gdje cvetaju božuri|Гдје цвјетају божури]]
| next_year    = 1994

== Background ==
'''''Srbima za sva vremena''''' (Serbian Cyrillic: ''Србима за сва времена'', <small>lit.</small> "Forever for the Serbs") is the fifth studio album by Lepi Mića, released by iCD. It is the last of the three war cassettes Lepi would make before the release of [[Srbima za sva vremena (VHS)|the VHS of the same name]] and the second-to-last patriotic tape he would make over the course of the war.  
After the release of Pravoslavci, Lepi wanted to make one more album. For reasons unknown, he was unable to work with SuperTon and instead recorded the album at Studio Avala Film (at the time CFS "Avala Film") in Belgrade, Serbia. As a result, Duško Lukić, who composed the previous two albums, did not return with Ljubo Kešelj replacing him. Milenko Jakšić would be the only returning member. The album would be published by Bole koncert, located in Podgorica, Montenegro.

== Release ==
==Background ==
''Srbima za sva vremena'' released sometime in 1993 by iCD. It would also get a release with an alternate cover by Bujak Shop for Swiss distribution. Closing tracks to both sides: "Nevesinje, Trebinje..." and "Pita majka" are prematurely cut off for unknown reasons. Most versions of the release contain a typo on A5 where it says "Nevesinje, Tretbinje..." instead of "Nevesinje, Trebinje...".
After the release of ''[[Pravoslavci]]'', Lepi Mića wanted to make one more album. For reasons unknown, he did not work with SuperTon and instead recorded the album at Studio Avala Film in Belgrade, Serbia (at the time CFS "Avala Film"). As a result, Duško Lukić, who composed the previous two albums, did not return with Ljubo Kešelj replacing him. Milenko Jakšić would be the only returning member. The album would be published by Bole koncert, located in Podgorica, Montenegro.

The tracks, "Živeće Srbija", "Teci Drino, teci", "Ko ne pamti Kosovo", "Ranjenici", "Nevesinje, Trebinje...", "Republika Srpska", and "Dražin barjak" would receive music videos, all produced by C Kanal and included in the VHS. Lepi would appear on TV performing select tracks from the album.
[[File:UMRbroadcast.gif|alt=Ustaj moja rodbino televised performance|left|thumb|Lepi performing live on [[RTS]] (Date unknown)]]
''Srbima za sva vremena'' released sometime in 1993 by iCD. The first print of the album contains a typo on A5 where it says "Nevesinje, Tretinje..." instead of "Nevesinje, Trebinje..." and missing lyrics credits, a subsequent rerelease would rectify the issue. It would also get a release with an alternate cover by [[Bujak Shop]] for Swiss distribution. On the swiss release, the closing tracks to both sides: "Nevesinje, Trebinje..." and "Pita majka" are prematurely cut off with the J-Card also missing lyrics credits and having the A5 typo.
The tracks, "Živeće Srbija", "Teci Drino, teci", "Ko ne pamti Kosovo", "Ranjenici", "Nevesinje, Trebinje...", "Republika Srpska", and "Dražin barjak" would receive music videos, all produced by [[S Kanal]] and included in the VHS. Lepi Mića would appear on TV performing select tracks from the album.
Some time in 2015, the album would be uploaded to the SuperTon official channel in poor quality with a picture of the j-card rather than a scan. While many point out the discrepancy in labels, it is assumed that when iCD went defunct, Cvetin Todorović bought the rights to the Lepi Mića albums. Despite owning the rights, however, the master is likely lost with its updated version on streaming platforms deriving from a high-quality upload of the Swiss release.
== Track listing ==
Original release:
{{Track listing
| headline = Side A
| title1 = [[Živeće Srbija|Живеће Србија]]
| length1 = 3:30
| title2 = [[Teci Drino, teci|Теци Дрино, теци]]
| length2 = 3:35
| title3 = [[Ko ne pamti Kosovo|Ко не памти Косово]]
| length3 = 3:35
| title4 = [[Ranjenici|Рањеници]]
| length4 = 3:30
| title5 = [[Nevesinje, Trebinje...|Невесиње, Третиње...]]
| length5 = 3:18
{{Track listing
| headline = Side B
| title1 = [[Ustaj moja rodbino|Устај моја родбино]]
| length1 = 3:30
| title2 = [[Republika Srpska (Srbima za sva vremena)|Република Српска]]
| length2 = 2:57
| title3 = [[Dražin barjak|Дражин барјак]]
| length3 = 3:45
| title4 = [[Top|Топ]]
| length4 = 3:30
| title5 = [[Pita majka|Пита мајка]]
| length5 = 3:25
| total_length = 34:05
* A reissue of the album corrects the A5 typo and adds lyricist credits, but it is unknown when it was issued.
Swiss release:
{{Track listing
| headline = Side A
| title1 = [[Živeće Srbija|Живеће Србија]]
| length1 = 3:30
| title2 = [[Teci Drino, teci|Теци Дрино, теци]]
| length2 = 3:35
| title3 = [[Ko ne pamti Kosovo|Ко не памти Косово]]
| length3 = 3:35
| title4 = [[Ranjenici|Рањеници]]
| length4 = 3:30
| title5 = [[Nevesinje, Trebinje...|Невесиње, Третиње...]]
| length5 = 3:10
{{Track listing
| headline = Side B
| title1 = [[Ustaj moja rodbino|Устај моја родбино]]
| length1 = 3:30
| title2 = [[Republika Srpska (Srbima za sva vremena)|Република Српска]]
| length2 = 2:57
| title3 = [[Dražin barjak|Дражин барјак]]
| length3 = 3:45
| title4 = [[Top|Топ]]
| length4 = 3:30
| title5 = [[Pita majka|Пита мајка]]
| length5 = 3:25
| total_length = 33:40
* [[Ljubo Kešelj|Љ. Кешељ]]- Музика (Music), аранжмани (Arrangements) и пратели вокали (Backing vocals)
* [[Milenko Jakšić|М. Јакшић]]- Текстови (Lyrics)
* М. Добрић- Текстови (Lyrics)
* Лепи Мића- Текстови (Lyrics)
* [[Vajo Cvjetićanin|В. Цвјетичанин]]- Продуцент (Producer)
* [[Nikola Barać|Н. Бараћ]]- Продуцент (Producer)
* В. Шараба- Продуцент (Producer)
* ЦФС "Авала Филм"- Студио (Studio)
* "Боле концерт" Подгорица- Издавач (Publisher)
==Tape Variants==
{{Multiple image
| total_width      = 800
| image1            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Jcard-front-Generacide.jpg
| image2            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Jcard-back-Generacide.jpg
| image3            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-tape-side-a-Generacide.jpg.jpg
| image4            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-tape-side-b-Generacide.jpg
| header            = iCD First release (1993)
| footer            = Notes
*Good audio quality
*Typo on A5
*Missing lyrics credits
| align            = none
{{Multiple image
| total_width      = 800
| image1            = Lepi Mića Srbima Za Sva Vremena FrontRE.jpg
| image2            = Lepi Mića Srbima Za Sva Vremena Back.jpg
| image3            = Lepi Mića Srbima Za Sva Vremena SideA.jpg
| image4            = Lepi Mića Srbima Za Sva Vremena SideB.jpg
| header            = iCD Reissue (Date Unknown)
| footer            = Notes
*Good audio quality
*Typo fix on A5
*Credits for lyrics not seen in other releases
| align            = none
{{Multiple image
| total_width      = 800
| image1            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Bujak-Jcard-front-Generacide.jpg
| image2            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Bujak-Jcard-back-Generacide.jpg
| image3            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Bujak-tape-side-a-Generacide.jpg
| image4            = SrbimaZaSvaVremena-Bujak-tape-side-b-Generacide.jpg.jpg
| header            = Swiss Bujak Shop release (1993)
| footer            = Notes
*Alright audio quality
*Alternative album cover
*Bujak Shop stamp
*Typo on A5
*With lyrics credits
| align            = none


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