Stan'te paše i ustaše (Song)

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"Стан'те паше и усташе"
Still from the official music video.
Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Стан'те паше и усташе
English titleStop Pashas and Ustashes
Released1992 (1992)
LabelNina Trejd
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Stan'te paše i ustaše" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Стан'те паше и усташе", lit. "Stop Pashas and Ustashes") is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža. It is one of four songs in the album to receive an official video. The official music video currently has 1.1 million views on YouTube, making it one of the most popular songs on the album.

In other media, the song is referenced in the 1992 article, "Šta pevaju Srbi i Hrvati?"[1] In the 2008 edition of the Croatian-produced Eurovision parody Četnovizija, a crowd from a concert is seen dancing and singing the song.[2]

Music and lyrics

"Stan'te paše i ustaše" is the first song to mention Čaprazlije, where Baja's brother Novak was stationed.[3] The line "Kako si mi moj rođeni brate" is a direct call to his brother as it appears in the same verse where the aforementioned town is mentioned.

The song also is the only occasion where Baja refers to Muslims as Pashas. "Pasha" was a title given to military commanders or high ranking officers in the Ottoman Empire.

Music video

Like other music videos for the Nina Trejd albums in Najveći hitovi, this one is simplistic. The music video has a man in MOL68 fatigues and another in Lizard pattern in a deadlocked arm wrestle. Baja, dressed in an M93 shirt and Lizard pattern pants observes the wrestling. When Baja sings, there is a close up shot of him and when he stops, he continues to observe the battle. At the end of the music video, he crosses with three fingers, puts his arms behind him, and looks afar while the screen fades to yellow.



U krajni gde sam rodio se
Sad se neke uniforme nose
Moj je narod odavno u borbi
Mojoj braći glava je u torbi
Stan'te paše i ustaše
Ne dirajte to je naše
U nama je srce lavlje
Mi branimo pravoslavlje
Na Kupresu krvave su zore
Čaprazlije u plamenu gore
Svakog dana padaju granate
Kako si mi moj rođeni brate
Stan'te paše i ustaše
Ne dirajte to je naše
U nama je srce lavlje
Mi branimo pravoslavlje
Od kako je bog stvorio ljude
Uvek drugi dođu pa nam sude
Uvek neko u Srbina dira
Ni u Bosni nema više mira
Stan'te paše i ustaše
Ne dirajte to je naše
U nama je srce lavlje
Mi branimo pravoslavlje

Lyrics (English):

In the land where I was born
Now some uniforms are worn
My people have long been in battle
My brother's head is in a bag

Stop, Pashas and Ustashas
Don't touch, that is ours
In us is a lion's heart
We defend Orthodoxy

In Kupres, bloody are the dawns
Čaprazlije burns in flames
Every day grenades fall
How are you, my dear brother

Stop, Pashas and Ustashas
Don't touch, that is ours
In us is a lion's heart
We defend Orthodoxy

Since God created people
Others always come to judge us
Someone always meddles with a Serb
There is no more peace in Bosnia

Stop, Pashas and Ustashas
Don't touch, that is ours
In us is a lion's heart
We defend Orthodoxy


  1. Petar Luković. "Šta pevaju Srbi i Hrvati?". Vreme. 30 November 1992. pp. 29-32. ISSN 0353-8028.
  2. CETNOSONG 2008 CETNOVIZIJA. ARHIVIST. 5 July 2008. Retrieved 28 November 2023.
  3. "EKSKLUZIVNO! BAJA MALI KNINDŽA: Ustaše mi POKLALE familiju! Ubili su mi ujaka i ujnu, a brata odveli u LOGOR pa sam iz revolta počeo da..." Archived from the original on 4 January 2023. Retrieved 28 November 2023.