Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić

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"Сви смо ми ...."
Svi Smo MiCroppedCoverRA20k.png
Song by Unknown artist
from the album Сви смо ми ....
English titleWe Are All [Radovan Karadžić]
Released200? (200?)

"Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić" (lit. "We are all Radovan Karadžić") is the unofficial name given to the track present on side A for the album Svi smo mi ..... The singer, while commonly misattributed to Zoran Draganić, remains anonymous and the orchestra is unknown. Like most songs of its kind, its run time is longer than a typical song as its run time is around 12 minutes.

Music and lyrics

"Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić" shares the same tune as "Radovanovo kolo", however it is unknown which came first nor if one song was inspired by the other. The song itself is structured like a gusle song. Similar to the song "Branićemo Radovana Karadžića", the song tells the US that they will never find Radovan and that the Serbian people refuse to turn him. Like Ko je letke bacao zbog Raše?, it mentions Operation Daybreak Celebici where SFOR closed off the village and conducted a search for Radovan. However, while Operation Daybreak Celebici only lasted for about a day, the song mentions that SFOR would conduct searches every week. It also has commentary on the treatment of Serbs in Muslim areas during the war. The song ends on a fade out as a transition to the single's B side.



Ameriko džaba trošis dana
Nikad nećeš naći Radovana
Ameriko ne bilo ti traga
Nećeš Raša odvesti do Haga
Karadžiću, Crne Gore čedo
Ko bi tebe Americi pred'o?
Mnogo novca za nagradu nude
Da Radovan isporučen bude

Nema para, nema svjetskog zlata
Da izdamo Radovana brata
Zašto bi mu sudili u Hagu?
Branio se na kućnome pragu
Nit zločinac, nit je mog'o biti
Morao je svoj narod braniti
Jer je bila od Islama želja
Da unište Srbe do temelja

Pojačala Muslimana strana
Na hiljade došlo iz Irana
Ugasi se jedinstvo i bratsvo
Da se srpsko opljačka bogatstvo
Radovan se prevarit ne dade
Svome narodu u odbranu stade
Izvede nas iz Sarajeva grada
I srpsko bi dijete da nastrada

Napali su popaliće(??) male
Sve bi srpsko redom da popale
Što li rijeka preko brda žuči
Srpski narod mukama se muči
Ko ne može pobjeći s nogama
Umir'o je na teškim mukama
Sve su redom četnicima zvali
Krstove im po tijelu crtali

Pominje se Srebrenica stalno
Za Srbe se ne govori javno
Poklali su cijele porodice
Na sve strane srpske su grobnice
Ni u snu se nije moglo sniti
Šta će samo u Kravici biti
Srpsku nejač mučili i klali
Svaki praznik krvlju zaljevali

Čelebići, jedno veće selo
Tu Radovan dolazi na sijelo
SFOR ga hvata svako sedam dana
Nije lako naći Radovana
Upadaju po danu i mraku
Ispituju i đeda i baku
Govore im đedovi i babe
"Ovdje ćete dolaziti džabe"

Odgovor je "Radovana ima
U kućama svakoga Srbina
Svaki Srbin Radovan je sada
Nećete ga pronaći nikada"
Radovan je srce SDS-a
Sakriše ga vile na nebesa
Ti si Rašo sada svugdje s'nama
Šaljemo ti pozdrav po zvjezdama

Kad pjetlovi najavljuju zoru
Mahni rukom Radovane SFOR-u
Prije će se s'naše zemlje maći
Nego tebe Radovane naći
Radovane, kad ćeš preko Pala?
I djeca te poželjela mala
Pa polako Trebeviće prođi
U srpsko nam Sarajevo dođi

Srbi srpsko Sarajevo grade
Sve će bolje, kunemo se Rade
I puteve, i crkve i zgrade
Kad nam Srpsku Republiku dade
Radovane, pomozi nam sada
Ujedini Srbe k'o nekada
Da se Srpstvo dogovara cijelo
Da budemo kao jedno tijelo

Šaroviću ne daj se varati
Nemoj Rašu Americi dati
Srbija je Slobodana dala
Nije narod, nego grupa mala
Krvave im ruke do lakata
Što izdaše Slobodana brata
Mi ne damo Radovana svoga
Ko ga izda bojao se Boga

Radije bi bez vode i hrane
Neg' bez tebe brate Radovane
Radije bi bez vode i hrane
Neg' bez tebe brate Radovane
Gdje si da si, Bog ti dao zdravlje
Pozdravlja te cijelo pravoslavlje

Lyrics (English):

America, you're wasting your time
You will never find Radovan
America, may your tracks perish
You won't bring Radovan to Hague
Karadzic, son of Montenegro
Who would give you to America?
They offer a lot of money
For Radovan to be handed over

There's no (amount of) money, no worldly wealth
For which we would betray brother Radovan
Why would he be on trial in Hague?
He defended his home
Not a criminal, nor could he be
He had to defend his people
Because it was a wish of Islam
To destroy Serbs fully

Muslims got stronger
Thousands arrived from Iran
Unity and brotherhood died out
So that Serbian wealth gets plundered
Radovan wasn't tricked
So he stood up to defend his people
He took us out of Sarajevo
Where Serbian children would be killed

They attacked ????
They wish to burn everything Serbian
As river flows over hills
Serbian people are suffering
Whoever coudldn't flee by foot
Would die under worst tortures
They called everyone a chetnik
Carved crosses in their bodies

Srebrenica gets mentioned all the time
About Serbian sufferings no one talks publicly
They butchered entire families
All around are Serbian tombs
No one could even dream
What would happen in Kravica
Serb children and elderly were tortured and butchered
Every holiday they sprayed with blood

Čelebići, a bigger village
Is where Radovan comes to hang out
SFOR comes chasing every seven days
It's not easy to find Radovan
They come barging in day and night
Interrogating both grandpas and grandmas
Grandpas and grandmas tell them
"You'll keep coming in vain"

Their reply is "Radovan is
In the house of every Serb
Every Serb is Radovan now
You shall never find him"
Radovan is the heart of SDS
Mountain fairies hid him in the sky
You Rašo are everywhere with us
We send you greetings at the stars

As roosters announce dawn
Wave your hands at SFOR, Radovan
They shall sooner leave our lands
Than find you Radovan
Radovan, when will you go over Pale
Even little children miss you
And slowly go over Trebević
And arrive in Serbian Sarajevo

Serbs are building Serbian Sarajevo
It will all be better, we swear to you Radovan
All roads, churches and buildings
Since you gave us Republika Srpska
Radovan, help us now
To unite Serbs as they were before
For entire Serbdom to agree togehter
To be as one body

Šarović, don't be fooled
Don't hand Rašo over to America
Serbia handed over Slobodan
Not the people, but a group of few
Their arms bloody to their elbows
That they betrayed brother Slobodan
We don't give our Radovan
Who betrays him should fear God

We would rather be without food or water
Than without you, brother Radovan
We would rather be without food or water
Than without you, brother Radovan
Wherever you are, may God give you health
Entire Orthodoxy greets you!