Vratiće se delija

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"Вратиће се делија"
2021 Simona performance of "Vratiće se delija", hosted by Tv Duga Plus.
Song by Баја Мали Книнџа
from the album Не дам Крајине
English titleThe Heroes Will Return
Released1991 (1991)
Producer(s)Жељко Грујић

"Vratiće se delija" (Serbian Cyrillic: "Вратиће се делија", lit. "The Hero Will Return") is a song written and performed by prominent Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža from the album, Ne dam Krajine. It is one of the first songs written by Baja to mention Gavrilo Princip.

There are only three known recorded live performances of "Vratiće se delija": the first at a concert in 1993[1], another at Veliki Trg[2] and the other in Simona[3] on June 3rd and July 11th respectively. Both of these performances took place in 2021.

Music and lyrics

Baja performing the song at the Veliki Trg restaurant.

Like most songs on the album, "Vratiće se delija" is simple in its lyrics. The first verse is the only verse to have every other verse rhyme whereas the rest of the song has two concurrent stanzas rhyming with each other.

Unlike "Za krst časni" where historical figures are referenced with a location, "Vratiće se delija" only mentions it once with Bosansko Grahovo and Gavrilo Princip.



Vratiću se ponovo
U Bosansko Grahovo
Tamo gde je Gradina
Gdje je Princip Gavrilo
Vratiće se delija
Tromeđo najmilija
Kad Krajina pozove
Iz Nove Pazove
Vratiće se krajišnik
Sa Dinare konjarnik
Samo ako zatreba
Da se brani Krajina
Vratiće se sinovac
U Bosanski Petrovac
Samo ako zatreba
Da se brani Krajina

Lyrics (English):

I will return again
To Bosansko Grahovo
There where Gradina is
Where Gavrilo Princip is

The hero will return
My dear tripoint
When Krajina calls
Out of Nova Pazova

The Krajišnik will return
Horseman from the Dinara
Only when its necessary
To defend Krajina

The nephew will return
To Bosanski Petrovac
Only when its necessary
To defend Krajina


  1. (Uzivo 1993) Baja mali Knindza. SrbijoMatiNasa. 3 April 2012. Retrieved 30 November 2023.
  2. Baja Mali Knindza - Vratice se Delija - (LIVE) - (Restoran Veliki Trg 2021). BMK Official Channel. 3 June 2021. Retrieved 27 November 2023.
  3. KONCERT GODINE - Baja Mali Knindza - Vratice se delija (Live) (Simona 2021). TV Duga Plus Melodija Records. 11 July 2021. Retrieved 27 November 2023.