Četničke pesme

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Revision as of 05:07, 15 January 2024 by Randomatribute20k (talk | contribs) (Created page for Cetnicke pesme. Adding tape scans in a bit. It's not really a compilation. I guess you can say that this is just some sort of reproduction with rearranged songs.)
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Четничке песме
Studio album
Label„Заслон“ Шабац

Četničke pesme (Serbian Cyrillic: Четничке песме, lit. "Chetnik Songs") is a studio album released by "Zalson" Šabac.


While performers are not credited, the songs come from the Gedža albums 12 najlepših četničkih pesama and its 18-song counterpart.


Četničke pesme released some time in 1990 by "Zalson" Šabac. Whether or not it was an authorized reproduction unknown.

Track listing



  • „Заслон“ Шабац- Издавач
  • Љубомир Ранковић- Главни и одговорни уредник


Пуковник Драгољуб М. Михаиловић као војни изасланик у Чехословачкој.

1937. године.

Tape variants