Najveći hitovi (VHS)

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Највећи хитови
Video by
DirectorПајчин Мирко
ProducerЦветин Тодоровић
Баја Мали Книнџа chronology
Највећи хитови
Рат и мир

Najveći hitovi (Serbian Cyrillic: Највећи хитови, lit. "Biggest Hits") is the first VHS by Serb war singer Baja Mali Knindža, released in 1993 by SuperTon. It is a compilation of various music videos of songs from his first four studio albums. It includes only patriotic material and popular music videos for songs such as "Ne volim te Alija" and "Božić je". It is the first VHS release by SuperTon and one of the first and only during the entire war.


After the release of Još se ništa ne zna, SuperTon filmed and compiled footage for their first VHS release, featuring their most popular artist at the time.


Fifteen out of the sixteen videos were filmed by SuperTon for the VHS, with the scenario and directing credited to Baja himself. The videos were filmed in various places in and around Belgrade, such as Kalemegdan Park and Knez Mihailova Street. Some songs include war footage spliced in.

Comedian Milan Malbaša performs skits in between certain music videos, making fun of and imitating mainly Croat politicians like Franjo Tuđman and Croat television. He appears after the tracks "Obilić me zove", "Vratiće se Novak", "Još se ništa ne zna" and "Srbi se nikog ne boje".

The song "Vrati se vojvodo" shows a younger Baja singing in front of Momčilo Đujić's house near Knin with a "SRTV Knin" logo on the top right, indicating the video was originally made for the TV station. It was presumably recorded from a TV broadcast for the VHS release. Whether or not this is due to a lost master, a time crunch, or other factors is unknown.

The music videos for "Božić je", "Kad sam bio mali", and "Ne dam Krajine" were filmed around Knin castle. This iteration of "Ne dam Krajine" was cut from the final product and instead replaced with a brand new video complete with a proper set and overall higher production budget.

The cover for the VHS is lifted from Još se ništa ne zna with the name of the album removed and replaced with "НАЈВЕЋИ ХИТОВИ".

There are two known Yugoslav versions of the VHS. The most commonly found version has the catalog number "ВКД 001" on the spine and a fully red header on the back of the cover. The other version has no catalog number and black "БАЈА – МАЛИ КНИНЏА" text. A release for the Australian market by Video novosti also exists, though images of the cover are not available.

Track listing

  • Track 8 contains a typo as it should be: Да не бјеше Никшићана.
  • Milan Malbaša is seen after track 2, track 4, track 6 and track 9 but is not listed on the track list on the cover





Хвала Бори-Чорби на братској помоћи, Милану Малбаши хумористи из Бенковца, Мирку, Микију и лепим девојакама, и свима који су помогли при реализацији овог пројекта.


Most common release
  • "ВКД 001" Catalog number
  • Red "Баја – Мали Книнџа" text on the back
  • Simple stickers made from excess tape labels
  • "VHS VIDEO CASSETTE" text on plastic
  • Đorđević-Komerc Sevojno logo on plastic
Alternative release
  • Has no catalog number
  • Black "Баја – Мали Книнџа" text on the back
  • Simple stickers made from excess tape labels
  • "VHS VIDEO CASSETTE" text on plastic
  • Simple Đorđević-Komerc Sevojno text on plastic
1993 Video Novosti Release
  • For the Australian market