Svi smo mi Ratko Mladić

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"Сви смо ми ...."
Svi Smo MiCroppedCoverRA20k.png
Song by Unknown artist
from the album Сви смо ми ....
English titleWe Are All [Ratko Mladić]
Released200? (200?)

"Svi smo mi Ratko Mladić" (lit. "We Are All Ratko Mladić") is the unofficial name to the B-side track of the single Svi smo mi ..... Like "Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić", the singer and orchestra remain anonymous.

Music and lyrics

"Svi smo mi Ratko Mladić" is the companion piece to "Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić" as it shares the same tune, but a different subject. Unlike "Svi smo mi Radovan Karadžić", there's more focus on actions done by Alija Izetbegović and America's involvement in the Yugoslav Wars than Ratko. It is considered the B-side to the album since it has an ending rather than a fadeout.



U proljeće, mjeseca aprila
Ne bi Bosna što je prije bila
Nit' će biti to nikada više
Sad se nova istorija piše
Kako svijetskoj dokazati sili
Da mi nismo agresori bili
Jer nas drugi tako nazivaju
Što zločine svoje sakrivaju

Mjesec dana prije ovog rata
Što ubiše Gadrovića svata
Ne dadoše čaršijom da prođu
I u crkvu na vjenčanje dođu
Devedest druge u aprilu
Već Alija primjenjuje silu
Sve što želi to mu Islam daje
Još ga mole da ne odustaje

Poruke mu stižu od Bobana
"Znaj Alija, moj je narod s'vama"
Pa zastave zajedničke vežu
Jedi s drugim bratski ruke stežu
Hrvati ih uzeše za cijeće
Zajedno se protiv Srba kreće
Prvo biju nardonu armiju
To ne mogu nikad da sakriju

Naredbe se od Alije nose
Da se Srbi unište iz Bosne
Tad se Ratko Radovanu javi
Karadžiću ostadosmo sami
Ja ću Rašo prije zore doći
Treba svome narodu pomoći
Tada Ratko s' Velebita pođe
Rodnom kraju u odbranu dođe

"Radovane kako ćemo sada
Mnogo će nam naroda da strade
Goriće nam gradovi i sela
Jel' ovako Amerika htjela?
Ili Islam Aliju navrati
Da se rata građanskog prihvati?
Šta je tu je, tako biti mora
Mi nemamo drugoga izbora"

"Oba znamo, lako neće biti
Dva naroda, treba se boriti
Ti si Ratko vojnik školovani
Znaš kako se otadžbina brani"
Još mu Rašo ovako naglasi
"Gledaj Ratko da se Srptsvo spasi
Ne smijemo dozvoliti sada
Da nam narod strada k'o nekada"

Alija je stara varalica
Nije Turčin nego poturica!
Pobio je Muslimane svoje
Što u redu za hljebove stoje
I Markale i Dobrinja cijela
Prepune su Muslimanskih tijela
Narod strada, Alija se nada
Srbe ćemo okriviti sada

Kad bi htijeli zločin da naprave
Prije toga kamere postave
Takve snimke po svijetu su slali
Da bi Srbe zločincima zvali
Tolike smo ratovali dane
Dođe vrijeme mira da prestane
Sad nam mnogo sa Zapada nude
Da im damo pomirene ljude

Za sve što nam komandante tuže
Najviše se tu lažima služe
Nisu loše učinili ništa
Sam' su svoja branili ognjišta
Ni sada nam ne daju odmorit'
Moramo se politički borit'
Jer je želja mnogima u duši
Da se Srpska Republika sruši

Što nam kakvo otimaju zlato
To je nama u Dejtonu dato
Nama ništa i ne treba drugo
Zato smo se i borili dugo
Ko bi izd'o đenerala Ratka
Klela bi ga i Rođena majka
Radovana pogotovo ne bi
Ko to voli drugom nego sebi

Radovane to su Srpstva riječi
Ti si nama od svetinje preči
Kad zatreba ti nas tada spasi
Da se Srpstvo u Bosni ne gasi
Tebi Ratko za onakvu hrabrost
Uz pozdrave šaljemo zahvalnost
Plakala bi i na zemlji travka
Da odvedu đenerala Ratka

Dokle srpska postoje plemena
Vaša će se spominjat imena
Dokle srpska postoje plemena
Vaša će se spominjat imena
Nikada se zaboravit neće
Dok se srpska istorija kreće
Nikada se zaboravit neće
Dok se srpska istorija kreće

Lyrics (English):

In spring, in the month of April
Bosnia ceased to be what it was
Nor shall it ever be again
Now new history is being written
How to prove to the powers of the world
That we haven't been aggressors
Because that's what others brand us as
Those that hide their own crimes

A month before this war
Why did you kill wedding guest Gardović?
Didn't let them go through the town
And get to the church for the wedding
In '92 in April
Already Alija using brute force
All he wants Islam gives him
And they ask him not to give up

He gets messages from Boban
"Know it Alija, my people are with yours"
Then they tie their flags togehter
Shake each others hands like brothers
Croats took them for their flowers
And together they move against the Serbs
First they attacked the people's army
That they cannot ever hide

They carry orders from Alija
To terminate Serbs from Bosnia
That's when Ratko told Radovan
"Karadzic, we are left alone
I will, Rašo, arrive before dawn
Our people need helping"
That's when Ratko went from Velebit
And arrived to defend his birthplace

Radovan, how should we proceed?
Our people will suffer greatly
Our towns and villages will burn
Is this what America wanted?
Or Islam made Alija
Start the civil war
It is what it is
We have no other choice

"We both know, it won't be easy
Two peoples we have to fight
You, Ratko, are a professional officer
You know how to defend our fatherland"
Additionally Rašo stressed out
"Make sure we save the Serbdom
We must not now let
Our people die like last time"

Alija is an old crook
Not a Turk, but turk-wannabe
He killed his own Muslims
That stood in line to get bread
Both Markale and all of Dobrinja
Are overfilled with Muslim corpses
People dying, Alija hoping
Now we will blame Serbs for this

When they would want to commit a crime
First they would set up cameras
That footage send to the world
So they could call Serbs criminals
We waged war for so many days
It came time for peace, for it to stop
Now the West offers us a lot
To meekly give them our men

For everything that they accuse our commanders
They most of all use lies
They did nothing wrong
They only defended their homeland
Now they don't let us rest either
We have to struggle politically
Because many wish in their soul
To destroy Republika Srpska

Why do they take from us
What was given to us in Dayton
We don't need anything else
It's what we fought for so long
Who ever would betray general Ratko
Even his own mother would curse him
Especially they wouldn't betray Radovan
They'd give themselves up first

Radovan, those are the words of Serbs
You are dearer to us than saints
When needed, save us
So that Serbs aren't extinguished from Bosnia
To you Ratko, for such bravery
Along with greetings we send you thanks
Even grass on earth would cry
If they took general Ratko away

As long as there are Serbs
Your names will be mentioned
As long as there are Serbs
Your names will be mentioned
You shall never be forgotten
As long as there is Serbian history
You shall never be forgotten
As long as there is Serbian history